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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Biskut raya itu...sungguh sedap

I have drafted this entry on Wednesday, 24th Sept. Kira entry basi la nie...tapi kena publish..sebab....

Right now, I am at my office, creating this entry. I have no internet connection at VSP. Lain rasanya bila tak duduk depan komputer yang ada internet connection. Kalau kat Brisbane tu, almost 24/7 online. hahahahhah... But I need to stay at VSP for a while. Have many things to be done, before heading back to Seremban.

Yesterday, I called up Liza Norm. I have ordered some biskut raya and kerepek from her. Last night Liza came to VSP to deliver the kuih raya. Dah lama tak jumpe Liza, last I saw her at jasin, '93. But, she still looks the same. Liza need to rush to the pasar malam, so we just had a brief chat. Met with her cuties. Liza, anak-anak u well behave ye.... cakap sekali aje...bagus-bagus...hehehehhe... mesti omak garang kat umah..gegegege...

Back to the biskut raya story. After Liza, we went up to our apartment, and after putting down Athirah, ku dengan tak sabarnye, telah membuka pelekat-pelekat di tutup botol biskut raya itu.... Oh yes. I ordered Fancy Ice-cream and Sarang Semut.... memang sedap.... betul-betul sedap... kalau ikut napsu..mau abis 1/4 daripada balang kuih itu.... Sib baik Athirah bising nak tido...Kalau tak.....hmmmmmmm....

Yummy, wanna try? Too late..hahaha.... Maybe you guys could order for next raya. Liza kata sume sedap. So Liza, next raya post ke Australia boleh??? hehhehehe


Liza said...

fazid, we really have to meet and have long chat, catching up time ler katakan, hari tu, i bawak kamera ingat nak take picture together but kelam kabut punyer pasal, smua luper..
and my cuties sometimes they are well behaved but most of the time..not so lah! Yang garang their papa, if harap the mama, jerit sampai kluar anak tekak pun tak jalan...
lastly, ye ker i look the same, i'm like 20 kg heavier than the last time you saw me...hehehe

fazid said...

maybe u feel heavier..but u look the same...probably because of the kesamaran cahaya lampu kalimantang blinded me :P... insyaAllah before I go back we will meet again ya....

Rahiza Haszian Abdul Rahim said...

uh uh..i'm so very very the jealous wooo...sekut rayaaaa..uwaaa..