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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dia yang ku rindui

While in Brisbane, we missed her dearly. Often I would ask mak about her, whenever I rang home. She has been with the family for 7 years now. She is a good companion; never cause any problem, except for her over protective behaviour.

Last week, when we just arrived from Brisbane, after hugging her grandma, yaya asked, “Wan, mana Lara?”. “Ada kat belakang tu…”.Upon hearing the reply, yaya went straight to the back of the house, searching for her friend. “Lara…lara…”. “Lara….jommm makan..”. But she received no answer. “Wan…tak de pun!”. “Nanti keluar la tu…”. True enough, a few minutes later she came out from nowhere, and greeted us.

Yaya was so delighted, quickly patted her head, and throw a scoop of cat biscuits into Lara’s dish. While Lara was enjoying her food, yaya stroke her hair. Atok has just given Lara a bath several days before we came home. So her hair looked fluffy and shining.

I am not sure how old Lara is, but I think she is close to 9 years old. Since we left for Brisbane, mak keep reminding Lara, "ko jangan sakit dulu...tunggu tuan ko balik ok...". Boleh camtu..kelakar mak nie...hehheheh
We didn’t raise her from small. She came to us one fine day. I assumed she was lost. So I waited for the owner to come and collect her. Days became weeks, weeks became months. Apparently we heard from our neighbour that Lara was at her house before she moved in with us. And the neighbour was not her owner as well. At that time I only had one cat, we named him Tupai. Maybe Lara felt comfortable living with us and that is why she stays with us until today. Ooohhh… I named her Lara because when she came to this house, Lara Croft was showing at the cinema.

And that is a story about the cat that we missed so much.

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