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Monday, December 15, 2008

Lunch with old buddies

Last Monday morning, I received a text message from Halida, that read, "Selamat hari raya aidiladha sweeties :) wanna hve coffee on tuesday b4 everyone leave 4 holiday?"

and I replied, "Salam aidil adha halida. Coffee,why not, but am available after 10am".

We have been waiting for a long time to get together for coffee to catch up things. Unfortunately everybody is so dead busy with the research, and we couldn't find time that fits everybody, until last Tuesday. But instead of meeting at a cafe, Sabrina invited us for lunch at her apartment. That was more than perfect. With wonderful food (Sabrina is a great cook), nice and cosy place, what more one can expect. So we can talk as much as, and as uncontrollable as we want too....ahahaha

Halida and me, met up at Adelaide st., and took the 199 bus to Sabrina apartment. Upon arrival, we quickly sat around Sabrina dinner table, and had our lunch, while chatting. There was an awkward moment at first, just a few minutes hanging, everybody was trying to start a conversation (or probably everybody was too hungry), until Sabrina said, "Sooo....." Ahaks...then everybody began chatting, gossiping, laughing, catching up on things. When 3 very stressful, underpressure ladies met, there were loads of things to talk about. But we don't talk about research. No no... we talk about life, friendship and relationship.

Then came the photo session. Everybody was smiling. It was a happy moment. Away from all
the thinking, writing, researching....away from all the madness of studying.

We had a great time, or at least I am. So happy to see Sabrina and Halida. Halida will be going home to Brunei soon, for good. Wish the three of us will meet again, in the future. All the best for all of you, Sabrina and Halida. InsyaAllah we will succeed.

p/s: I have post this entry in my FB, and Sabrina have left a comment and I've posted below

Sabrina Amir (Queensland Tech) wrote at 12:16pm (today)
"oohh.... i almost have tears in my eyes reading this.. time flies...we met almost 2 years ago... and we were so busy with our own world(s)... that conversations were always via ym or sms... i had a great time since the last makan makan ages ago...(that was before your kids went home, halida was burried in her chapters, and i was struggling with my data). we shld do it again, at least one time before halida goes back for good in jan!"

note: "Best friends (friends who really understand you) are out there, only you have to find them yourself"


Anonymous said...

Sedih baca tau :s I'll never forget you, Sabrina and 3 lovely friends from Malaysia...

I had a great time during our last lunch dear :) It was nice to catch up after so long...and the cake~ I can never forget the cake :) it's so yummy that I finished the cake all to myself hehe~ I didn't even give it to my fiance! We'll definitely keep in touch. Who knows we can catch up again in KL in the future ;) and we can reminisce the lovely time we had at Sabrina's place...gelak2 sambil ambik gambar...buat muke 'skema' hehehe~ I love you guys!


i.s.z.a.n said...

wahh..1st time tengok tuan punye blog..heheh..pasni kot berselisih bahu leh ar tegur..(camne nak bselisih bahu agaknyer yer?haha)

fazid said...

iszan, rasa dah bny tempek muke kat blog nie... sikit2 udah le... nanti jemu pulak...gegegege... jgn terkejut kalu terserempak kat JB nanti... dah lame ngidam murtabak singapore kat tebrau tu (ade lagi tak gerai2 dekat ngan dataran tu ek??)

i.s.z.a.n said...

tebrau? u mean tepian tebrau ke apa? lido eh? murtabak tu ada kat larkin, klau steamboat byk le kat situ, dah dipindah ke tepi dataran, xde lagi kat tepi2 pantai cam dulu..

fazid said...

haah kat lido... tapi dekat ngan EC tu.. bukan betul2 tepi pantai lido tu...haaaa situ pun ada seafood gak, gerai murtabak singapore tu yg tepi sekali... syiok ooooo