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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rindu yang sarat

Rindu pada anak-anak, tidak dapat diukur....

Those who have kid will understand this feeling. My sis and bro in law went to Mak house recently to visit yaya n thirah. Unfortunately, yaya was not around at that time, for she was in KL with my sistah.

Atang has been waiting for the latest pictures of thirah for long. Finally my SIL, so sweet of her, took some pictures of thirah, and sent them to us.

I used to call up yaya n thirah every other day, but since yaya is still a little bit sad, Mak advised me to not call them too often. So I just call them twice a week. Nonetheless, whenever I called them up, yaya will always say, repeatedly, "Mama buat kerja fast ke slow?", "Bila mama nak balik?", "Kak Long good girl". Ohhhh sayu je dengar everytime I hear these sentences.

As for Thirah, lately she doesn't want to hear me. Before, she would allow Mak to put the receiver at her ear, but nowadays she refuse it, even pushes it away. Atang said she is missing something, but she doesn't know what. Am a bit devastated, but I don't let it carry away. It won't do me any better anyway. Need to focus and progressing, so that I can successfully complete my study, and back in their arm for good.

According to Mak, thirah is learning to stand on her own. Soon she will walk. Thirah is now 11 months 2 weeks. Only a couple more weeks to her first birthday. InsyaAllah, we will be in Malaysia to celebrate her birthday, and also Yaya's first day at school. Yaya is attending year 1 next year.

We miss thirah and yaya dearly, an unbearable feeling that sometimes atang and me refuse to talk about.


Anna said...

sy teremosi bacer entry akak nie..
sedey kn tgglkn org tersyg demi sebuah 'cita-cita'..
sy yg study dlm negara pon still homesick, akak pny feeling msti lg undescribed kn..
hope u'll succeed yer..

Me, Mrs Taj said...

me can feel ur feelings rite now..dun wory k..asalkan sis tau derang sihat & selamat klu dpt peluk cium lg best kn??

Hanisumayyah said...

Kesedihan yang tak terucap...doa banyak2 dengan Allah moga2 hati tu dapat ditenangkan...

Anonymous said...

Hang in there dear~...Soon it will all be over and before you know it, you'll be with Yaya and Thirah again. This is part of our life changing journey with our studies, i.e. being away from our loved ones, but in the end, insyaAllah, berkat doa, kesabaran dan usaha, we will all succeed. Amin ya rabbal alamin. Always remember, you're setting a very good example to your beautiful daughters, in the future, it'll be their turn to be away and do their PhD ;) Amin ya rabbal alamin.


Liza said...

Hang in there my fren, I can't even imagine how you feel, I myself have never been apart from my cuties, my prayers are with you always....and loads of *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

jid..... nk menitik air mata i... berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu yg memikul... b strong... i doakn yg tbaik utk u sefamily.....

Rahiza Haszian Abdul Rahim said...

hang in there sis...tak lama dah lagi :)