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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Movie : "P.S. I Love You"

Another ketinggalan zaman thing, I know you guys have watch this movie. Thanks to iza for giving me the idea to watch this movie. It is a romantic-comedy genre, am sure many of you like this movie. Tangkap leleh juga la den...ahahahhaha....

This is the first time I watch Hillary Swank acting in this type of movie. I only knew Swank from "The Next Karate Kid", "Million Dollar Baby", "Boys Don't Cry" and "The Gift". Swank's character in these movie are aggresive, troubled and boyish. So I was suprised seeing Swank in "PS I Love You". Half way through the movie, I realised, Swank looked like someone familiar, but I couldn't figure it out until I was talking to atang about the movie the next day (I watched the movie without atang). When I said the main actor is Swank, he couldn't believe at first, because he thought it was Jennifer Garner on the cover. *tiingg*, yes Jennifer Garner, no wonder Swank looked like someone familiar. Seriously, I think, Swank acting like Garner. Or maybe that is Swank way. What do you think?

Again, I am not good at evaluating a movie. My opinion, Ok laaa movie nie. But for a romantic comedy, still can't beat Pretty Woman and Wicker Park. That's my benchmark.

To those yang belum la nengok. Sediakan kotak tisu ye.


i.s.z.a.n said...

i dah bc novel dia bkurun dulu, teringin nak tgk the movie tp tatau mana mau ramai kata the book far way better dari the movie,..i tatau la sbb blm tgk..

Me, Mrs Taj said...

owwhhh.. i luv Hillary of my fav actress!!

fazid said...

iszan: mmg slalu macam tu kan. reading the book is way better than watching the movie.

ms taj: pelik sikit bila nengok hilary belakon citer nie. anyway she is a good actress, no wonder she won an award for the million dollar baby

jyss said...

hahah pretty woman is still my fav movie ;)

i think the book is much better. swank is too manly to play this role la or maybe i got too used to her playing heavy roles heheh

fazid said...

agree with you jas. on top of that i still see her acting like jennifer garner.

watie wyyn said...

betul3 mcm jennifer garner tp jenny lagi cantik kot!

suka giler citer ni!tak baca buku dia so takleh nak compare!sebb weols tak suka baca buku..woohoo

fazid said...

jenny ada lesung pipit..mana tak cantik n sweet :D