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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy vs Sad

The "smiling face" on the sky yesterday, has turned to "sad face" today. Atang managed to take some pictures of it (credit to atang for the superb picture because he was using the SE k770 to take this).

Nampak sedih kan. Or is it just my eye playing trick on me (if yes, I am not the only one).

Look at this, I put yesterday picture and today side by side. Can you see the different?

SubhanAllah... mungkin ini peringatan (tegak bulu roma den).

p/s: ms taj, mungkin yang dibincangkan semalam ada betulnye :D


Liza said...

the cuties saw the smiley face while we were on our way to KLIA to pick up my parents and they were so excited...being a very limited knowledge mom, i didn't know this were 2 planets, thought just stars...hehehehe...need to read more kan?

Me, Mrs Taj said...

mmg ALLAH bg peringatan tu untuk makhluk2 nya yg makin lupe diri...

fazid said...

liza: I pun tak tau kalau kawan kat FB bagitau. Banyak advantage FB nie hehehhehe...

ms taj: errppp seriau