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Thursday, December 18, 2008

We are moving... a new apartment this weekend. Yup, we have found a new place, 2 bedroom apartment or known as a unit, a bit smaller than the current one, but a lot cheaper. We could save about AD100 p/w with the new apartment.

So we are now busy packing. We have packed almost 60% of our stuff, sold and gave away some of the unnecessary furniture.

This is Yaya's room, there used to be a queen size bed in this room. We bought it last year for mak and abah when they came to take care of us during my confinement.

We have already made arrangement with the movers. Oh am a bit emotional of leaving this apartment, our first home in Brisbane.

Will be very busy this weekend and probably a few days after that. May have problem with the internet connection due to the moving. Regardless, I have created some entries for next week. Have a great weekend kengkawan. Jaga diri, jaga kesihatan.


Me, Mrs Taj said...

moving? confirm jgn lupe update..u too take care

Mommy Lily said...

jgn bawa brg yg tk penting ye mcm mami selalu buat bila berpindah. finally berlori2 nk kena angkut haha

fazid said...

ms taj: penat dan busy, tapi tak sabar :D

mommy: itu laa... dah berguni-guni plastik buang rubbish...nie ada lagi nie..

Me, Mrs Taj said...

bosannya takde cite dr akak hr ni...