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Thursday, December 18, 2008

10Q Ms Taj

Kerna bagi award ini...

Ms Taj, kite pun suke baca blog awak... and thank you for spending ur time reading my celoteh and also i appreciate all ur notes :D

OK..kite pun nak recycle award nie. So the award goes too....drum roll please

Kawan sepersekolahan ku kat jasin, cik Liza sebab dia supermum
Mommy Lily dan Farihah sebab gigih menulis blog selepas dirampas haknya
Blog buddy nun kat JB, si Iszan yang ada 2 personaliti tu
Kawan seperkuliahan ku dolu2, Iza, ada aje idea business dia (dah jejak bumi Mesia elum??)


i.s.z.a.n said...

2 personality???? maksud???? haaaaaaaahahhahahahhah

fazid said...

iszan: ahahah... ada aku kisah

Me, Mrs Taj said...

u r most welcome!!!

p/s now i know ur name..sorry ek.

Liza said...

Thanks my dear fren fazid, best nyer dapat award

Rahiza Haszian Abdul Rahim said...

beb, tq so much. aku dah sampai mesia, tp ni sat lagi nak balik kelantan lak. penat sehh...Zzzzzz