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Monday, December 1, 2008

"Moon, Venus and Jupiter align for 'smiley face'"

Nie gambar asal (gi sini utk maklumat lengkap; credit to Geoff Kirton).

Nampak tak yg dlm bulatan tu

Crop sikit, kasi nampak dengan jelas.


p/s: Jambatan tu nama dia Story Bridge. Memang fofular kalau nak ambil gambar Brisbane city, Brisbane skyscrapers, terutama sekali waktu malam.

update on 6.30am, Tue 2/12: Based on the feedbacks received from a network of friends @FB (on my friend's wall actually :D), some people in Malaysia (PD, KLIA) were lucky to witness this miracle. Oh I forgot to mention that I MISSED it!!! Blame it on the tree that was blocking my view (biasa la teori bangau).


Me, Mrs Taj said...

kat sini tgh kecoh bab bulan nih..siap ada yg kata bulan tgh senyum..pastu ada plak yg kata..klu bulan tengah sedih mcm mn plak? apa maksud disebaliknya? huhuhuhu

Anonymous said...

hehee..amai tgk gak malam tadi
ada gambar tuh heheheee

fazid said...

ms taj: hahahaha...subjektif tu

amai: cantikkan babe, bertuah ko dapat nengok. gambar tu aku cilok laaa...hahahha