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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Movie : "Sepi"

One day, a friend of mine wrote on her FB status about "Sepi". She just finish watching it and recommend the movie to her friends. I asked my friend who are in the movie. Upon knowing that one of the actor is Afdlin, I became tempted to watch it. But downloading task is never my liking. However, I know a person who his hobby is to download movies. To make the story short, I managed to cilok the movie and watch it.

I like the starting part, lepas tu, terus rasa boring. Tapi nak tengok gak ending dia, but I don't want to skip any part, no no. Jadi dengan penuh kesabaran, ku nonton gak sampai abis.

Tak suke la watak Afdlin dalam nie. Emotionally, I don't feel sad at all, because most of time I was critisizing the character. Patut la ada orang cakap, "nie bukan cerita melayu nie". I agree with that statement, sebab banyak perkara yang bukan budaya kita.

And that is what I feel about the movie.


i.s.z.a.n said...

i suka citer tang iman tu (btol x nama budak pompuan yg gile ni?)

fazid said...

hahah betul2... mmg giler budak tu..sape yg belakon tu, newbie ekk??