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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Prologue: The moving

Alhamdullillah, we have settle down in our new place. Phewww... what a day we had, opppsss 3 days actually, moving, unpacking, cleaning, rearranging, shopping, discarding, yadayadayada .

Am still feeling tired and sleepy while typing this... got to have some coffee..... planning to spend the day writing some stories for next week....bilo la nak abis tulis report nie oiii!!.... well can't do that right, my brain refuse to work today ahaks.... Anyway, will be in the office even on Xmas day (dah bukan hari kita kan, buat ape nak cuti) only.... but not on boxing day, yeah!!

I need some caffein right now (mana kupi aik cheong ku?!!)......


(update @ 11.28am : alamak baru perasan, tinggal sorang2 kat ofis, pagi tadi ada sorang minah, la nie dah ilang.... ofis nie aku yang punya...yah yah!!)


i.s.z.a.n said...

Boxing day?? bilakah??? bestnyer sopinkkkkkk

Anna said...

owh have a tough couple of day..
it's better u get a rest..
relaxing ur body and mind..

fazid said...

iszan: a day after xmas beb... den nak poi factory outlet...gegegege

anna: dah terlebih tido dik... sampai badan pun naik malas