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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

it's Cleaning time

On Sunday we came back to the old apartment for clean up. We were given a list by the rental agent of things that we need to do before vacating the property. Banyak benda nak kena buat, tapi kena buat, because it is one of the requirement to claim back your bond. Lagipun tak nak ada bad record, mana tau lepas nie kena pindah rumah lagi.

We completed all the tasks; scrubbing, mopping, vacuuming, wiping, reinstore or changing, etc. We started at 9.30am, ended at around 3pm. Actually, the initial plan was not to immediately vacate the old apartment. Our contract ends on 17 of January. When our application on the new apartment was approved, we don't mind paying the rent for both apartments, bleh la kalau nak cover for a few weeks. Sebenarnya boleh kalau nak break lease, but we want to keep everything simple, yela kalau nak break lease nak kena carik orang for replacement. End up if you couldn't find any, still you have to continue paying the rent. So we have plan our budget, and we can afford for a couple of weeks, jadi takpe la kalau pay for both apartments. Maybe we could make the old one as a transit accommodation for the newly arrival.

However, there was a last minute change. Our agent called us up one day and asked us whether we could vacate the property as soon as we want too, so that he can move in a tenant. Our new apartment is also under the same agent (we assumed this was one of the reason our application was approved immediately). Apparently, the agent need to remove the tenant from the place he was currently renting due to some renovation work. We agreed to that. Tu yang terus bersih segala tu, except for 1 thing. We couldn't hire a carpet cleaning service because they were already booked up until new year. Carpet cleaning by professional cleaner is one of the requirement for vacating, it applys to all rental agency. Kalau ada pet, kena hire professional fumigation lagi. Since, there were non carpet cleaning professional available, and because the new tenant need to move in before Xmas eve, jadinya, carpet tak dapat dicuci laaa... The agent will arrange for carpet cleaning service later.

So, when all the cleaning activity was done, sedih pulak nak meninggalkan this old apartment. Banyak kenangan weh....

(It's Cleaned and Empty......)



Liza said...

moving is never my cup of tea, we are already 6 months kat bsp and yet so many boxes tak bebukak lagik nie

Me, Mrs Taj said...

lega sikit kn dh nnt nk unpacked brg lg ye? penat lagik..huhuh

besar jgk umah tu ye sis..nnt blh menumpang klu gi sana..ntah bl agak nya ye? ;)

Anonymous said...

the apartment looks REALLY clean.. good job..