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Wednesday, June 24, 2009


A friend of mine posted a link to this:

A(H1N1): US, UK, Australia, P'pines returnees must stay home for 7 days

PUTRAJAYA: Those who return home after travel in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and the Philippines must quarantine themselves at home for seven days.

Health Ministry director-general Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican said most imported cases of the Influenza A (H1N1) reported in the country involved patients who returned from these countries.

“We urge them to do so and if they develop flu-like symptoms, they must seek treatment immediately,” he told a press conference here Tuesday

(source: theStar online)

aiyah.... so how??? Nak kena kuarantin ke?? Kes dah bertambah ke kat Malaysia? In Australia, most affected area is Vic (Victoria), but there are some reported cases in Qld. Arinie pun rasa cam nak selesema jek..ahahahha... but this due to the late night working, not enough rest. Errr...shall I go offline and watch movie instead? aahahhaha....

Tak dapek den doo.... ok...focus2

p.s. For more information about the A(H1N1), go here.

yours truly,


CatlinaFly said...

salam..semalam sy antara dgr tak dengar berita dlm radio (dalam kete masa tu) rasenye kat KL dah 4 sekolah ditutup wat sementara waktu....for quarantine reasons ..correct me if I'm wrong..

Neeza.Areef said...

as for today dgr berita dah 68kes..temasuk yg jangkit2..smpai skolah semer tutup

ppstt fazid, sama arr auto publish x kuo..cis

Me, Mrs Taj said...

betol3 pada seme komen2..risau jugak nih...

fazid said...

lina, neeza n ms taj, tu laa.. baca gak suratkhabar online mesia pasal kes nie...smpi ada sekolah tutup ye...

fazid said...

neeza, tu laa...dari minggu lepas la auto publish nie ada problem

jyss said...

la if dok rumah je, x leh la nk gi mamak heheh

Me, Mrs Taj said...

terbaru news smlm, pelajar br blk dari melbourne smpi msia rasa tak sihat terus positive H1N1..seriously takut! nk kluar pun mcm ermmm takut2 gittu...

fazid said...

exactly jas...hehe

hehehhe... jgn takut ms taj...tawakkal aje.. kalau nak kena, kena gak kan :D tapi, kesihatan perlu jaga..take care ok

watie wyyn said...

yup..latest da 90++ kes..sekolah mkin byk ditutup!takut woooo...
arini paper ada perbalahan pasal penggunaan istilah h1n1 dgn selsema babi..ahaks!mcm2

tp betul gak dulu time selsema burung sume pun guna istilah selsema burung tp bila selsema babi terus guna h1n1..awat??nak cover babi ler tu!cis