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Thursday, June 18, 2009

preparation part three : hoodies

Now come to the third stage of the "Malaysia stop over" traveling arrangement. Yup, I have gave a name to my not-that-long-anymore travel. Two more weeks to go. Getting excite, but I am overwhelm with a lot of things to complete before saying bye-bye to Brisbane for awhile. But what else is new...ahahahhaha... keep going I must.

(psssttt...sebenarnye tengah ngelat nak buat sesuatu nie... sebab alasan personal...wakakakakka... susah kalau kite dah tak suke kat orang kan...semuanye jadi tak suke dan malas)

owwwhhh I intentionally set the font to the smallest size, it is not a scripting glitch :D. OK, back to the purpose of this entry. I bought recently two hoodies for our two little princesses. They have outgrew their old hoodies. So I went to the Pumpkin Patch website because they are having a big sale (well it seems the sale has been forever now) markdown to 70%, I guess people are being careful in spending money nowadays. Hey, the oil price has increased in Brisbane recently.

Anyway, I was looking for something for my niece's birthday as well. And with a little bit over a hundred (plus delivery), I bought these two hoodies for beloved daughters

and these for my sweet niece...hehehhehe

yours truly,


Me, Mrs Taj said...

presents for me? lalalalalal

sure ur sweet daughters suka! kompem!!

Neeza.Areef said...

msti excited bebudak dpt presie

fazid said...

ms taj :D

diorang tak tau lagi kitaorang nak balik nie :D...surprise...

watie wyyn said...

utk yaeesh?woohoo..lalalalala

comeyla topi tu..

pssttt..oklah tu bg alasan..atleast berlapik..drpada wat muka kat org yg kita tak suka tu..lg haru!woohoo

fazid said...
