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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

convenience as such

As a muslim, I feel comfortable living in Brisbane. Besides many Halal food outlet available around Brisbane and Queensland, you can find Masjid and praying rooms/area, especially in a campus/university. QUT Garden Point has a prayer room complete with telekung (woman praying attire) and an ablution place. It is also equip with a refrigerator and a microwave oven.

The curtain divides men praying area with the ladies.

The committee organises some religious classes such as learning arabic class. There used to be an usrah amongst ladies. So convenience it is ....


Neeza.Areef said...

selesa selesa
menghormati hak2 manusia dan agama nih

attyfir said...

fazid..cantek dan selesa..

Liza said...

amazing, even in Malaysia pun tak macam nie

fazid said...

alhamdullillah, islam diterima di australia....muslim pun ramai kat sini

watie wyyn said...

wah bagus ek...mayb sbb ramai muslim kot kat sana!

fazid said...

betul3.... alhamdullillah... makanan halal pun bny kat sini