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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Meeting Alie, long time no see

Kengkawan, my presentation went well yesterday, thank you for all the wishes ya. But I need to improve more on the slides, will do that later, now as I promised, I want to concentrate on my blog.

As I have wrote earlier this week, we had lunch with long lost friend last Saturday, Alie is her name. We went to the same school, MRSM Jasin. Though we knew each other since form four, we only became close in form five. We hung out, and did a lot of nakal stuff together, ala... benda2 biasa aje laaa..duduk boarding school, macam-macam hal la buat kan... ahahahha..

We were actually a group of 8 girls. We called ourselves "the outlawz" kunun nampak cam ganas laaa....paling nakal yang we all pernah buat, "fly" dari hostel jek... we went outing, and decided to go home wayyyy past the curfew...ahahahha....mesti ramai yg pernah buat camtu kan... But when we have past the curfew hour, masing-masing mule glabah dah, kecut perut.. talking about innocent ... we thought of many things to go back home.... but everybody was afraid of the outcome.....tau takuttt wakakaka......luckily we met a very close teacher of ours (he is actually our softball team manager) at one of the shopping complex in ayer keroh...ala mana lagi JJ la tu...ahahahha... Sib baik cikgu nak hantar kitaorang pulang....kalau tak ada yang merempat kat balai polis...and that was the only time we did it....ONE time only.... kunun berani la sangat kan.... hampehhha....ahahhahah

I have a lot of fond memories with the girls..... We still keep in touch though.... lagi la dengan ada facebook nie... but I have not met any of them for a very long time.

I think the last time I met Alie was when she came to my bro's wedding in 1995. Giler lama tu, 14 years ago. She came down to Brisbane not for vacation, but she had work. Before she came to Brisbane, she asked me a favor to advance a payment for PINK! concert that she won from eBay. She went to the concert alone, yup, alone. Though this was not the first time she went to a concert, but in this particular concert, it was her first time going there alone. Giler berani makcik tu, in a strange land. But I told to myself, if anything happens to her, I should be blame as well. Alhamdulillah tak de apa-apa...perrghhh...selamat gue...ahahahhaha

The lunch was on her...orang belanja makan laaaa...and she even let me pick the place. So where else I would choose, but Hanaichi laaa...

I bought her something as a token of rememberance. I hope she like it :D. She left Brisbane that same night.

Hope to see her again in near future.

yours truly,


watie wyyn said...

uish bestnye mcmna bleh menang!? kurus la dia compare masa zaman sekolah...hiks

weols lg nakal tau..siap panjat bumbung asrama..motips??ahahks

fazid said...

skodeng la tu ye...ahahhah