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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ole-ole dari Malaysia

A good neighbour of ours just came back from Malaysia. They gave us these....

Terima kasih banyak-banyak...buat susah-susah aje :D

Actually I have a story behind this. Lately I noticed I am either attracted to things in red or have something around me in that color. I discovered through out the years, my favourite color keep on changing. When I was a little girl until teenager, I like blue. Then it changed to black and white during my campus year. Changed to green when I started working (my wedding dais and songket were also green :D), and still fond of green. But slowly am attracted to red. Maybe you noticed a number of objects in red around me; my pencil case, my camera case, and my study lamp. As an evidence, a quiz result that I took from the facebook supported it (tapi tak bleh caya la quiz nie, doing it for fun only :D)

"The more excitement they experience the more alive they will feel. Reds are practical, action-oriented, love to achieve results and be successful. They have an insatiable urge to win and create something valuable and important in their life. Their strong will power and intense, almost unlimited physical energy allows them to be extremely active, persistent and successful in virtually anything they do."

And now, the gift provides me with another evidence....and...ohhh.. I just remember the tissue box cover that was given by my colleague. Aahahhahaha.... tell me something... is it me changing or the surrounding that influence me to change (eh ke benda yang sama nie??).

But I still love green karer :p

Apa yang ku bebel laaa....

yours truly,


Neeza.Areef said...

wah..tetiba je leh betukar...

tp green tetap dihati kot..hihi

Me, Mrs Taj said...

red? SEXY!!!!!

attyfir said...

kty pun feveret color dulu purple..lor nie ..tak minat purple dah..

kopok tu kalo taknak bak sini

fazid said...

masih lagi neeza :D

red itu HOT ms taj...ahahaha...

tu la kakty...peredaran zaman kot... kopok tu tak bleh aaa kakty..import tu :D