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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

can we judge the person by his/her workstation?

There was one day I was pretty hung up with the research. Been re-analysing my research data, tried to look at a different point, until I realised most of the workstations around me were deserted. It was already lunch time. I heard noises at the break-out area, the usual crowd was having their lunch.

Suddenly, an idea came into my mind. Grinning, I quickly grabbed my camera that I carry around everyday from my backpack. Creeping from one table to another, coz I didn't want anybody to know what was I up too, I took some pictures of my colleagues' workstation.

So, what can we make up from this? Messy tables, clean tables, table full of papers, rows of binders, coffee jars, biscuits, kids drawing, etc...ahahahahhaha. There are so many theories behind this. Student that has been way through the candidature, student who is new, student who is busy (working under pressure) to meet the dateline, student who comes irregularly, student who spends 7 days in the office, student who kinda live in the office...ahahahhaha... well.... I surely will not forget this sight....owhhh I was mischievous that day :p

yours truly,


Me, Mrs Taj said...

ok lagi klu kosong atau penuh ngn kertas..klu penuh ngn teddy bears apa cite pulak? isk isk...

attyfir said...

sepah..eehehehe..kalo fazid tgk meja keje kty , kemas je..apataknya blogging je..hehehehhe

Liza said...

my workstation is beyond mess. asik nak kemas jer tapi tak sempat...kalau dah kronik sgt, will come over the weekend to re-organise things

fazid said...

ms taj..kalau penuh ngan teddy tu ramai peminat kot :D...ahahahha

kakty...ada orang tak bleh keje kalau keadaan sepah kan :D

liza, sepah ada makna tu.. u r getting busier :D