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Monday, June 29, 2009

A matrimony story

Remember my friend from Brunei, Halida. I have wrote a couple of stories about our farewell lunch at the end of last year. Click here and here, if you want to read those stories laa.

Halida is now back home, serving for her country. I have been trying to write her an email for a long time after she went home, but I kept on postponing it. I knew she is getting married in June. What a terrible me!! Well, I don't know, I used to send email to friends frequently, exchanging story. But nowadays, I guess because of tremendous tasks to complete, or maybe have nothing interesting to share, afraid that I end up writing just a single line, "apa khabar?", "sihat?", "well, everything is the same", "up and down", wakakakakka... or maybe it is just me.

Anyway, I finally able to write something, in particular, congratulating Halida on her marriage, and click on the send button. Hoping she is not mad or something for not hearing from me. And a few days after that, she replied, with her matrimony story. She is now Puan Halida...ahahahah... and she even sent me some pictures of her happy moment. So sweet of her to share them with me. I asked her permission to post it here. Look how happy she is. And I am soooo happy for her.

To Halida, I know you read my blog occasionally. Thanks for visiting me virtually haha. CONGRATULATIONS dear. My dua is with you. Semoga Allah sentiasa lindungi perkahwinan kalian ya dan dimurahkan rezeki, semoga ramai junior nanti..ahahahahah.... Hope both of you live happily ever after.

p.s. Halida, hantar la gambar lagi...huhu

yours truly,


Anonymous said...

Waaa...thank you Fazid for featuring my hubby and I in one of your blog entries ;) insyaAllah, we'll send more pics when we receive pictures from our actual photographer k...the ones I sent you were taken by my sis...all the best in your final preparations dear...take care *hugs*

Puan Halida (chehh~ heheh ;)

fazid said...

hehehe.. XX00XX