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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

pahit tapi tak bleh berhenti makan

owwwwwhhhhh sedappppppnyee....

Belinjau or its English name, Bitternut (mmg pahit pun). Yup you can find them at the Yuen's Market, one of the groceries owned by a Chinese Malaysian family.

Wish they sell the sweet chilli version of Belinjau. But these surely keep my hands occupied...ahahahha... can't stop popping them into my mouth. Eat them with one hot flat black coffee (highly recommend Malaysian coffee).... I simply say.......perrrghhhhhh

yours truly,


ninie said...

perghhh ni mmg kesukaan cik abang nih...

Neeza.Areef said...

ai cannot bau n eat tis food
sgt2 tidak masuk
klu org goreng..larik jauh2...
dulu penah mkn tp pstu muntah..nape tah jakun gaknye..hihii

She said...

i like dis one very much!
shedapp sgt yang...
kalu mkn mmg x cukup sket..

Me, Mrs Taj said...

my fav la sis!

teringat masa arwah nenek ada dulu kutip buah tu pastu ketuk dlm lesung..pastu jemur pastu goreng pastuh crunch crunch...sodap!!!!

fazid said...

cik abang je?..ninie?? hehehe

pulak...ada gak yg neeza tak bleh makan ekkk... macam tu sekali penangan belinjau nie

mommy mimil...betul2..tak bleh berhenti makan

ms taj, akak tak pernah nengok buah belinjau nie camne laaa...tau yang dah siap ketuk tu je..nanti nak try google laa :D

watie wyyn said...

klu belinjau indon tak berapa nak pahit..sedap!

fazid said...

ye kot..nie dari indon la nie....tak pahit sangat