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Friday, June 26, 2009

He is Dead!!

Was having breakfast, with a slight headache and runny nose, in front of the computer, reading emails, replying emails, and then switched to facebook for update. And I saw these headlines on one of my friend's status, "MJ and Farrah Fawcett dead".... Is it fact or fiction?

It is Fact.

Michael Jackson, pop music legend, dead at 50

Farrah Fawcett, sex symbol and actress, dies

p.s. I heard rumours that MJ had converted to Islam recently. Is it true?

yours truly,


ninie said...

itu lah dengar rumours MJ dah convert to Islam... tapi tataulah sbb takde confirmation pon dari media sana...

Neeza.Areef said...

tu la pg2 dengo berita..yg stesen radio lak cam nk sedih2 pahal..x kose haku

pasal dia convert tu ade dengo gak tp soheh x soheh wallahualam..

watie wyyn said...

yup! td ahkau baru jerit dr bwh ckp jacko elek!mati sebab ape ek?hiks.. farah fawcett nape lak??diorang mati saing2 ke..woohoo

rasanye betul kot..sbb baca kat mana ek pasal dia peluk islam tu!ke dgr berita...tak ingat la pulok!

attyfir said...

kty tau masa otw g keje..