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Monday, December 29, 2008

the busiest weekend was busy and tiring weekend, but the payoff overcomes the fatigueness we had. On that Saturday, I woke up early, made scramble eggs, just eggs no toast no sausages, for breakfast. We have stop stocking up food to make the moving more easier. Itupun dah berbakul-bakul of food we kept in our neighbour's refrigerator (tumpang sat, nak pindah fridge kene tutup kan). After breakfast, we went to Kmart to get some new light bulbs. We need to change some of the burn out light bulbs before vacating the unit. We came home, and continue packing while waiting for the movers.

Exactly at 10am we heard someone calling at the door. I opened the door and saw a couple, a man and a woman, beaming at me. The man gave salam, but I didn't hear it, so he repeated the salam, and then I asked him, "Sorry, are you a muslim?". Oh, at that time I didn't realise I was harsh. Tengah kalut-kalut nak pindah, my brain can't process faster. And with that kalutness, I forgot to reply his salam correctly. So I just ignore it, but luckily no offense taken by the other party, but instead he continued by saying, "I read the Quran". Semoga terbuka la hatinya iya, InsyaAllah. Sib baik la atang layan dia ngan soal jawab pasal Islam sikit2.

Anyway, this couple worked, I tell you, damned quick. They came inside the house, looked around, and figure out how to fit our things inside their van. Yes, they transported our things by using just one van. Our bulky items include washing machine, dryer, fridge, a sofa bed, a queen size bed, mattresses, bookshelf, 4 tables, 1 coffee table, a few side tables and some chairs. Plus, we have tens of boxes. Both of them were talking to each other, planning what will go first and what will go last. Took them 3 trips to have everything moved. The lady is so exhausted after the second trip, mind you we lived at 2nd floor, luckily our new unit is only located on the first floor, and has direct access from the road. Penat seh!!.. Me and atang also made a number of trips to move small things like plates, clothes, food stuff etc. Dengan panas terik lagi, it is summer, we drank glasses and glasses of cold water.

(furnitures yang berteraburan..... during this time the movers were on their way to our new apartment...the first trip)

Even when the couple finished removing all the bulky items plus all the boxes, we still have some unpacked items. So atang called up a friend for help. It was ended at 4pm. Ohhh masa tu dah tak larat dah. Sengal, semput, denyut-denyut semua ada. But I can't see things unpacked, especially clothings and kitchen stuff and food. So I continue unpacking, and finally I called it a day at around 10pm...... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....tido mati malam tu.....
(nie kat apartment baru....)


Anonymous said... had the same experience as me..hehe..memang terkejut dia bagi salam..and that lady, mmg dia cepat exhausted..kesian dia...Tapi diorang buat kerja bagus kan? hehe..Berapa lama diorang angkut barang2 hari tu? We moved out during Ramadhan, hm..can you imagine that? huhu..memang penat..selamat mengemas..-Maryam

fazid said...

Maryam, it took them 3 hours, and 3 trips. Mmg cepat diorang buat keje, menarik diorang punye troli yang roda 3 tu kan...tak sempat nak ambil gambar troli tu laa...ahahahha. Thanks to you and zarizi for the number. Jemput datang ke rumah nanti.