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Monday, June 15, 2009

musim berubah...dan dia datang lagi

Winter is here again. This is our third year winter experience. And this year is muccchhhhh colder than before. I tell you it is difficult to get out of bed now. Pulling the quilt up to my head. As I am typing this, I would constantly put my hands under the notebook for heat. We have the heater on, but our loyal portable halogen heater performance this time is not satisfying. Guess I need to bundle up more, pakai ski cap, muffler, gloves segala..wakakakka....anyway, this is a good time to stay in the office as long as you can...centralised heater... save my electric bill. But, sape nak masak kat rumah kan, perut perlu diisi maaaaa....

owwwwhhh I am so glad that there is no snow in Brisbane..... sejuk macam nie pun dah tak tahan ooooo....

ok enough rambling.

The story I want to tell today has significant with the picture below.

This has become normal occurrences for me every winter. Before I came to Brisbane, never in my life I experience nose bleed, though I have witnessed this tragedy (tragedy kaa) many times before. Came the third winter, same thing happens. Hidung rasa sejuk, even as I typing this, tarik nafas pun rasa cam sekat2 camtu. This reoccurence, what else to say, so no more grieving. Pepatah ada mengata "alah bisa tegal biasa".

Searching for information about what may cause the bleeding to occur, I found that, it may be due to (with what I am experiencing right now):

"Dry/Heated Air- Having a bloody nose is much more common in the winter due to low humidity and dry air. Dry, hot, low-humidity climates cause the same problem, which is the drying out of nasal tissue, which in turn causes the tissue to crack or crust. Rubbing, picking, or blowing the nose causes this delicate tissue to bleed."
More info @ nosebudd

oowwwwwhhhh patut laaa hehhehehe....picking nose surely one of the best thing to do to pass the time...ahahahhaha....

yours truly,


ninie said...

la siannya akak...kata org letak daun sirih tapi kat sana manalah nak carik kan..

attyfir said...

fir lak kalo panas sgt mesti idung berdarah..

fazid said...

haah ninie, sini takde daun sirih (orang india pun tak nampak kunyah sirih)...hehehe.. selalunya sumbat ngan tisu aje :D

ye kakty, kena banyak2 minum air camtu

Liza said...

My princess frequently have nose bleed, worry gak and took her to see pead, she said it's normal, and I know for a fact she inherited this from my better half yg sampai skrg pun still hidung berdarah once in a while

lilRed Farah said...

kak fazid!!!! i;m back??? how are u getting on??? how cold is the winter there??? owh... ma soooo missing the season... its summer for us now but it has been raining non stop for th past 3 days... the weather is much colder for u summer season... its only 12-15 degrees in the morning but thorugh the night it may drop till 4 degrees still... but we have experienced the sun last week... it was up to 23 degrees....amazingly i was sweating pretty bad... cant imagine the situation when am back home!

hehehhe kak fazid take care yeah! c u soon!

lilRed Farah said...

apakah??? banyak gile typo... hehehe paham2 kan je lah ye sis... sorry :P

fazid said...

yes liza, when it comes to the kid kita la paling risau kan...and nose bleed is a normal case, nothing serious...try to look for a nose patch at the pharmacy for your princess, it is handy.

fazid said...

Farah!!! hey girl, long time no see... no worries though. i understand you are busy with exams and biznes heheheh... me too visited your blog tapi tak tinggal sorry for that...

winter kat sini tak la sesejuk UK tu.... but I am so glad ahahhaha... macam nie punye sejuk pun tidak keruan ku dibuatnye....i can still wear just parka or light coat, no heavy thing, no therma as well..hehehhe

eyla yusuf said...

Kak Jid... meh le larik ke sini.. tgh summer nie.. around 17-21 degree.. panas tuuu... hehehhehe...

fazid said...

ate, kalau winter sana, teman nak lari mane pulak wkakakakaka (pengaruh citer Tain nie)... no no no (pengaruh citer Mertua vs Menantu)... ahahaha... eyla, sana summer tak da terik sangat kan? sini bleh smpi 40 C tau

watie wyyn said...

uiks..cptnye winter...oo kat brisbane winter bln 6 ek??

ee sure tak selesa kan??sian uols..sabo jerk la yerk

fazid said...

cabaran paling kuat yela....nak bangun pagi ahahahhaha...sejuk2 nie :D