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Thursday, June 11, 2009

my Simple Nasi Ayam

Taken from Chef Zailina's The New Malaysian Cookbook but modified by mixing with other recipes and friends/relative tips. I have tried this many times, so simple and yet so delicious. Jom masak.


1 chicken
2cm ginger
sufficient water to boil chicken
1 bulb of garlic (chopped)
2 shallots (chopped)
chicken fat (the secret ingredient)
chicken stock/cube
some oyster sauce
a dash of sesame oil


1. Boil the water with the crushed ginger. Add in the chicken stock/cube and salt to taste .
2. Add in the chicken and lower the heat.
3. When the chicken is cook, remove the chicken and immerse in cold water for about 20 minutes.
4. Rub the chicken with some oyster sauce, leave it for awhile and fry the chicken till golden brown,
or if you like the steam version, just rub the chicken with the sesame oil.
5. Heat oil in the rice cooker pot, saute in the chopped garlic n onion. Add in the chicken fat. Saute until fragrant. Then add in rice and mix well.
6. Transfer the pot into the rice cooker. Pour in the water that was used to boil the chicken sufficiently to cook the rice. Use the remaining water to make the chicken soup. Add in spring onion and fried shallots.
7. Serve the chicken rice with the serving sauce.

my chicken sauce:
sugar, sesame oil
2 tablespoon of light soy sauce
Add about 1 laddle (senduk) of chicken soup

my serving sauce (chilli sauce):
blend together some 1/2 inch ginger, 1 garlic, 3 red chillies, 1 chopped tomato, sugar and salt to taste. Add in a little bit of lime juice
Heat the blended ingredient in a pot. Add in 1 teaspoon of corn flour. Simmer under low heat, until thickened.

This chicken rice set is for our neighbour :D.

yours truly,


Neeza.Areef said...

fazid nk ngecek sepinggan..lapo nih lom sapan

Me, Mrs Taj said...

lorr untuk neighbour..igtkn akak n husband mkn, jimat air nk membasuh pinggan apo! heheheh alahai lgpun apa salahnya....

terliur dah ni kak...lps ni nk msk apo pulak?

fazid said...

tak lepas kastam check point aaa neeza :D

mane bleh makan sepinggan ms taj, nanti ada yng muke kelat jek sebab kurang portion ahahhahah... tak tau projek apa la weekend gak nie :D tgk mood nanti

She said...

salam ziarah..

uish! mmg menyelerakan..
skali tgk, cam nasik ayam kt the chicken rice shop plak..ahaks!


fazid said...

salam kenal mommy mimil :D