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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Still unable to...

Salam and hello kengkawan/friends

This weekend was pretty messy (FYI I do all my blogging in the weekend ya, except for certain urgent entry, hence the word "this weekend" heheheh). I have drafted some entries, but I am not able to finalise them to be published. Will try and publish some stories after my presentation ya. And... I am SOOOO SORRY for not visiting you lately... but that doesn't mean I am ignoring you my friends hehehheh.... soon when everything is back to normal (I mean in my mundane life), I will knock on your doors again ya.


There were many times, that I didn't feel like cooking and eating out. So that leave only one choice....atang's mee segera. I can never cook the mee segera like he did. Tak tau kat mana silap. Atang's mee segera is extra super duper yummy. But I guess that is my weakness and atang has skill in that area. OK la tu, sekali sekala pekena air tangan suami ekkk :D

owwwhhh... can't wait to fall in their arms again.....

yours truly,


Neeza.Areef said...

x pe yg penting ade gambo food wpn magi hihi

Me, Mrs Taj said...

skali skala dapat rs air tgn suami best jugak..actually suami masak lagi best dari kite yg masak kn? seriously, tak tipu!!!!!!

owhhh miss that lil girls kn? ishh soklan apa la ni, mesti rindu!!! ur 1st daughter mcm muka akak la...

ninie said...

hai kak, dah lama tak jenguk tpt akak nih... sesekali makan megi sedap gak kak...

fazid said...

maggi pun maggi la kan neeza...ahahah...sodap dah kenyang

ye ke ms taj, bentuk muke yaya ikut muke akak, tapi raut banyak babahnye sekali sekala ngelat nak makan masakan suami...tu aje yang dia nak buat pun, yang lain2 macam2 alasan...ahahahha..

betul2 ninie, ngidam pun ada gak kadang2 aahahhaha

watie wyyn said...

ok la tuh..ada gak dia masak.. klu ahkau...harap masak air jek la..woohoo!

ish tak dpt bygkan perasaan rindu uols kat anak2!