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Friday, August 6, 2010

10-minutes post: Oh no, it's Friday again!!

Kejap je dah Jumaat!! Tak lame lagi nak puasa, hmmm hmmm... actually I have many things to say here, but the words aren't coming out right, the words are like floating in my brain... Damn!! I guessed because I have set my mind to focus on the academic writing, I am stuck, I can't express myself very well. It's like you are experiencing stage fright, you know you have a lot to talk about, but you can't, somehow you feel like your tongue is tight. See, I just wrote a few lines, but the 10-minutes are almost up...aiyah!!!

OK... will try write better after this. Rumah nie dah macam gloomy je, of late too many sad stories.

Got to rush, going to the butcher. Since Ramadhan is around the corner, so this weekend I have a cooking project, buat karipap banyak2, and store in the freezer. yeah!!

Happy weekends all.

yours truly,

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