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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ramadhan Day 10: Hunting for used boxes

Today is the 10th day of Ramadhan. Today we have a mission, hunting or buying a second hand packaging boxes. There is a shop at Logan selling new and used boxes and other packaging material, so we are heading there soon. But we need to go to the pharmacy first because Yaya is infected by conjunctivitis. I noticed she has been scratching her right eye yesterday, and have asked her to stop doing it. So this morning her right eye is puffy and red. Aiyoyoyo... last year pun camtu gak, until adik and I were infected too. Jangan la berjangkit nanti.

Eh...why laaa so many story about abondoned babies (eh should I say abandoned, because most of the cases main buang camtu aje... nie bukan keje manusia dah nie,  sedangkan haiwan pun ada rasa kasih sayang) in Malaysia lately. Sedih la wehhh.... korang takde akal ke? Isshhh...isshhhh... betul la orang cakap, love can kill. Bunuh perasaan kasih sayang, bunuh akal, bunuh iman, bunuh maruah.... adehhh.... at this stage everybody is to be blamed. Kita nie hidup saling berkait, so tak boleh la tunding jari satu pihak aje. Tapi yang paling den nak tegur nie, perempuan. Wahai perempuan yang belum berkahwin, jaga la maruah kamu, jaga la adabmu, jagalah agamamu. Perempuan, terpalit cacat  aje sikit, sikit aje, habis laaaa....Sebab tu kesan yang teruk kena kat perempuan, lelaki, haaa...they can easily escape and run away, sebab apa, yg perempuan nie jugak yang bawak perut, yang nampak buruknye perempuan la juga. So wahai perempuan yang belum berkahwin, takut pada Allah, ingat pada Allah, takut pada api neraka. Adeh...emotional pulak den. huhuhuhu.... Sebab emotional sangat, den pun teringat la lagu nie. Tapi takde kena mengena dengan kes buang bayi nie, cuma tajuk lagu tu "Love is a killer".

When I was young, during teenage years, ada la berangan untuk ada band. Wakakakakakkakak...the band consists of four of my cousins and me. Actully, all of us had professional training in music. And that was one reason why I dreamt to have a band. But it was a dream that never comes true, because education is the utmost priority in our big family. Well, I never wanted it to be real anyway. And none of my cousins know about this....shhhhhhh.... Each of them have their own position in the band, and guess who is the lead singer..... den la...wakakakakakkaka.... ahahahhahahaha... I am chuckling right now remembering that old days of berangan. Itu la orang kata angan-angan mat jenin. this song is one of the fav my berangan band would play. hahahahha...ok I better stop now before I burst out laughing and the kids and atang will start wondering what am I doing infront of the machine. to go. Atang has changed his mind, tak jadi gi carik kotak, instead we are going for raya shopping...huhu... carik kasut untuk budak-budak nie ha.... Till we meet again, selamat berbuka, biar sederhana

yours truly,

1 comment:

Liza said...

wah, shopping raya!!! make sure you blog about this ya!