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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ramadhan Day 4: Mission accomplished

Today is the 4th day of Ramadhan. Our tamar mission yesterday was accomplished successfully. Alhamdullillah. And if not of the tamar mission, maybe we will never visit the butcher, this one located at Moorooka, one of the suburbs in Brisbane. The price is not much different from the regular butcher we go to. I was delighted with the size of a whole chicken they offer at this butcher. But the service was slow, I waited longer for my turn. I don't like waiting, so I wonder around the shop while waiting for our turn. Luckily they not just selling meat, there are many dry product such as lentils, rice, some biscuits, cordial, and most of the products are imported.

Halal butcher at Moorooka

As promise, here is the picture of the tamar.

The tamar
For iftar yesterday, I made a batch of donut, half I pre-fry and kept in the freezer, another half I fried for iftar. Atang bought Nando's, birthday boy belanja. I was more happier, I didn't have to cook for dinner and sahur.

Iftar day 3 (Big donut, small donut and neighbour's yummy popia)
I called mak last night, before iftar time Malaysia, arghhh sedih la bila dengar Mak n Abah buka puasa berdua aje. Wish that we are there (memang rasa terkilan betul la semalam), and they said the same thing too, adeh, sebak betul. Alhamdullillah, thank you Allah, they are able to perform the fasting. Abah puasa, but he had to skip the first day because of the CT scan. On Monday he will starts the radio therapy, dah tentu tak boleh puasa. Coincidentally my neighbour's dad is sufferring from cancer too, and will undergo radio therapy somewhere next week. Dah macam apa dah sekarang, sana sini dengar kes-kes cancer nie kan. My mother-in-law has completed her second chemo, and on medication, hopefully tak de lagi laaa. She went through two times, because of two different cancer. In June, my uncle passed away because of cancer. Atang's aunty is now on death bed because of throat cancer. Now I have both sides of the family who inherit cancer. Orang kata kemungkinan anak-anak untuk mendapat kanser tinggi. Hmmmm... wallahulam. Semua ketentuan Allah.

And yesterday, my facebook public wall was inundated with news, video recording, pictures of a tragedy that occured at pasar ramadhan at Jasin, Melaka. Al-fatihah to those who passed away (from the news, two people died). I had goosebumps watching the videos. Macam kena angin dari blower aje...... SubhanAllah.

Ok. Till we meet again, selamat berbuka, biar sederhana.

yours truly,


nabilpotter said...

mintak permisi untuk linkkan blog ni dalam my blog list.. :)

fazid said...

boleh nabil, no problemo...terima kasih sudi ziarah dan link

Liza said...

i saw the video as well, meremang bulu roma as it happened only like a split seconds and only effecting that area...

Anonymous said...

Kak Fazid- butcher moorooka memang lembap sangat..huhu..saya asyik geram je kalau pergi sana..ada certain pekerja dia yg memang teramat2 slow..huhu..Kadang2 sambil serve kita, sambil sembang dgn orang dia..sabar je la..

I am so sad to hear about your father..InsyaAllah, I hope that he will get better soon..-Maryam

fazid said...

Liza, haah...angin lalu kat situ aje kan...tempat lain macam takde ape2 aje... bala kot...wallhualam

Maryam, itu laaa...puas kami mundar mandir dlm kedai tu, nasib baik boleh jamu mata, tapi kalau dah selalu datang, boleh hilang sabar jugak. Thanks Maryam doakan abah akak ye.