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Friday, August 27, 2010

Ramadhan Day 16: Exhausted

Today is the 16th day of Ramadhan, been focusing on the amendment of my first draft this week, and hava another week to come up with a polish and succinct draft. Arrggghhhhhhh penatnye. My sifoo said, "less is more", what he meant is, I should write concisely but able to deliver the idea clearly...aiyoyo... I admit, I am very poor in writing, always finding it hard to elaborate and convey ideas clearly, and now I should do it in a condensed way.... Mak capek oiiiiii.... takpe2...sabar2...sikit aje lagi (ayat memujuk diri).

Apology not having anything else to write here rather than rambling about my writing. I guess the story of Ramadhan is getting dull ya. Well, life is ordinary after all...chewahh.... Anyway, tomorrow would be something worth telling, if I have the time to do that. Because tomorrow, we gonna have our annual iftar. Alhamdullillah, I am off from cooking...hahahaha... In the morning there's gonna be a gotong royong memasak, yeaaa... a break from all this writing, am so looking forward for both the gotong royong and the iftar tomorrow, InsyaAllah. Will try and blog while gotong royong is in progress, otherwise I will not have time to write about it tomorrow.

OK laaa.. need to continue with the writing. Bila nak abis nie!! Till next time, selamat berbuka, biar sederhana.

yours truly,

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