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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ramadhan Day 8: Prioritise

Today is the 8th day of Ramadhan. Days are getting less colder now, the winter is leaving soon and spring is coming. Aaaaa...can't wait to see jacaranda blooming, for the very last time.

I received an invitation to review two papers for a conference this morning. I have reviewed several papers before, and I like the idea of providing feedback to the authors for improving their paper. It is not an easy job, especially you are reviewing papers that are not closely related to your research or field. I am very new in this field, have very limited knowledge, hence not able to provide a good constructive feedback especially on theory, but can provide feedbacks on the methods, writings and ideas on practical implications. However, normally each paper is reviewed by least two reviewers, thus the paper got the advantage from other people opinion as well, not solely from my opinion. Nevertheless, I enjoy doing this. Thank you for my sifoo for recommending my name to the editors of several publications. This is a valuable experience indeed, an opportunity that I never thought I will get. But this time, I have to reject the invitation and recommend someone else to take the job (mind you it is pro bono). I totally can't do it now, time is pressing me, really bog down to accept other things right now (my sifoo has just assigned me to another task...hohoho). I have to prioritise. I hope this opportunity will cross my way again.

OK I guess that is what I want to write today. Yesterday's iftar we had ayam halia and telur dadar, am getting lazy to take picture and post it here.Not important right. After sending yaya to school today, I stopped at the local grocerer to buy kangkung, my plan is to fry nasi goreng kampung for iftar today. I wasn't lucky because there is none, so I bought a cabbage instead. I saw cavendish banana, bought them, and will fry the banana too.

So..till next time, selamat berbuka, biar sederhana.

yours truly,


Liza said...

fazid, i'm coming to brisbane Insyallah late september, ada event with malaysians there, once i get the details, i will email you. really hope to see you my friend

fazid said...

wah...ok ok...nanti bagitau ok...can't wait to see you again.