I forgot to update about Yaya eye. Apparently it was not conjunctivitis as I have assumed. Alhamdullillah, probably her eye was dry and itchy, something got into her eye maybe. But the redness has subsided. We bought eye drop and applied it to her right eye. Days before that she had this 'ketumbit'. This ketumbit thing has been in my family for generation. You know how ketumbit so itchy right, maybe yaya been scratching because of the ketumbit, and that thing burst. I noticed she no longer had it before the red eye incident occur. Anyway, alhamdullillah it is not an infection.
And I also forgot to say, or give an advise when you want to buy shoes in Brisbane. You have to be really carefully, because many many shoes selling here used pig skin as the inner sole. You all tau kan how to recognise pig skin, if not please visit this here. Usually shoes that is less than AUD50 used that skin as the lining, because it is cheaper. Kasut budak2 memang banyak, terutama kalau buatan dari C-H-I-N-A, tak kisah la apa brand pun. Contoh kasut C-L-A-R-K, susah nak jumpa yang tak pakai kulit tu. We all bila nak pilih kasut, kami pegang tapak kasut tu dulu, lepas tu belek-belek dalam dia, selalunye ada label yang bagitau insole dia leather ke synthetic. Kalau leather, ha kena la belek lebih-lebih sikit, besar kemungkinan kulit babi. Jadi hati-hati la kalau membeli kasut kat Brisbane nie ya.
OK..change topic. Last night I called up Abah. Abah has completed his 5 out of 10 times radio therapy treatment. He stays at the hospital, easy for the doctors and nurses to monitor his condition. He said he misses home. Adeh, bulan-bulan puasa nie, duduk hospital, sorang-sorang, dah la tak boleh puasa, lagi la rasa sedih aje kan. Mak is at home, yela, nak teman pun, mak bukan sihat. Lagipun InsyaAllah, abah ok, lagi la in good hands. So when I called him yesterday, "Bah, lambat angkat telefon". "Abah kat balcony, tengok2 kat luar ni haa...boring dok sorang2." Alahai...sedihnya dengar. Takpe bah, tak lame aje lagi. Dan tak lame lagi gak, cucu-cucu abah nie balik. Hopefully by Friday, all treatment is completed and he can go home to mak. Abah weight is worrying though. He needs to gain more weight to start chemo, which is scheduled after raya. His must weight at least 60+kg, and his current weight is 56 (wohooo, that's so much less than my weight). Before he was sick, he weight 70kg. Yup, he lost a lot of weight definately, I can't imagine how Abah looks like right now.
Ok laaa...that is the story for day 12th Ramadhan. I have about an hour to complete a task today, before fetching Yaya at her school. Then asar, after that I will start preparing iftar. Still have left-overs from yesterday's iftar, I cooked nasi ayam yesterday. Today ingat masak kari daging aje laaa. Till next time, selamat berbuka, biar sederhana.
yours truly,
kari daging..sedap..dpt lak cicah cekodok..
alhamdulilah, good to know your dad is getting better
alhamdullillah, sihat untuk orang penghidap kanser liza, tak boleh samakan dengan kita yang normal nie. tapi i bersyukur sangat2 dengan keadaan abah skrang.
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