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Monday, August 16, 2010

Ramadhan Day 5: Enthusiasm

Today is the 5th day of Ramadhan. The busy week starts again, need to concentrate more on my writing. Am sooo missing my parents dreadfully, so I need to finish this fast, pronto, rapido.... I can do it!!! I keep chanting this in my heart,"must submit in October, must submit in October, must submit in October". Friends please pray for me ya. Tawakkaltuwallah....

OK, I can't spend a lot of time here, so here a brief. Yaya is at school today, so that leave me with adik at home. Adik as usual la, when nobody else at home except me, she will spend the day watching TV, her fav movie selection or doodling on a piece of paper. Dah lame tak citer pasal adik new words kan. Her recently added to the dictionary is, "Kukumi" haaaa....macam burung cuckoo pulak ye.... What she is trying to say is "excuse me". hahahhahah... nak minta lalu, "kukumi", nak minta attention den jap, "kukumi mama".

So for yesterday iftar, because it was Sunday, so terlebih rajin sikit, I cooked bryani rice, beef kurma and acar darat (Mak' recipe).  Kuih?..hmmm still have leftover donut from a day before yesterday's iftar and cucur udang from the iftar with neighbour makan-makan, so heat them up laa...

Nasi briyani set (Atang's plate)

While Atang had nasi briyani, yaya, adik and me had soto ayam from our neighbour. Thank you neighbour :D.

Soto from neighbour

Weekend masing-masing rajin ke dapur masak macam-macamkan. Weekday, sorry la hehehhe... buka terus makan nasi campur yo, takde kuih-kuih nie :D. If I am lucky, we will have leftover...ahahah punye la malas. Like today, we still have beef kurma from yesterday's iftar, so I think I will cook sambal ikan bilis as add on.

Oh yes...before I forget, the Bazaar Ramadhan organise by the Malay Student Association of Queensland (Persatuan Pelajar Melayu Queensland, PPMQ) has already started since last Saturday. Same like previous years, the Bazaar opens on Saturday and Sunday, from 3 to 5pm, but the location will be announce each week. Last weekend, the Bazaar operated at Guyatt Park. Hope they will still continue at the park, I think it is most convenience for everybody.  Tak sempat lagi nak pergi, actually, we don't know what to buy yet. Tengok la one day I will go down and take some pictures. OK laaa... till we meet again. Selamat berbuka, biar sederhana.

p.s. Welcome to new readers and followers to my humble blog. Thank you for reading bebelan ntahapahapantah of mine nih...hehhehe.. For those who want to link or add my blog to your blog roll, please inform me ya, so that I can add you too. Thanks again, happy reading.

yours truly,


attyfir said...

rajin gak fazid masak .
kty pun ari biasa makan nasi lauk campur masak sendiri.tade kuihmuih..malas nak g param

fazid said...

kty...rajin hujung minggu aje :D

Liza said...

believe it or not, i tak sempat gi bazar ramadhan bsp sejak ramadhan mula, mcm takde selera nak ke sana..masak jer hari2

fazid said...

liza, masak sendiri lagi elok kan. orang berniaga kat pasar ramadhan nih banyak yg baru nak berniaga. I kalau pegi pun, beli dekat peniaga yang I dah biasa beli dan biasanya diorang nie bukan peniaga bidan terjun, dah lame dah berniaga. kita pun dah pernah rasa sdap ke tidak, pedas ke tak. kang tak pasal2 kena CB pulak...hahahahh