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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

@ the Queen Street Mall

We went to Queen Street Mall to find rock band T-shirts for atang's friend. Parking fee is free on Saturday and Sunday, however, it is not easy to find a spot, and with the Xmas and New Year sale, it will be more difficult. Once we have to circle around the city nearly an hour to find a parking space. And that was just normal weekend. Although atang never favor riding a bus (he is the type who could easily get car-sick), he would rather took the bus than wasting time locating an available spot.

I did wrote about Queen St. in one of my entry. I copied this from
"The Queen Street Mall is a mall on Queen Street in the centre of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Brisbane's predominant retail district, featuring shopping centres, hotels, restaurant and coffee shops, cinemas, clothing, music, jewellery and book stores, newsagencies, and banks. The mall attracts 26 million visitors a year. "

(tambahan: Queen St nie lebih kurang macam BB Walk n Jonker Walk)

You can find designer clothes (Guess?, Jac Eu, RL, Crocodile, Gucci, etc.) and labeled goods and cosmetics (Strandbags, Body Shop, etc.) here. A shopping heaven for shopaholic, and a good place for window shopping and hang out for the rest.

On Saturday and Sunday, there are also street performer everywhere; musician, mimer, acrobat, you named it. And they all have license to perform at the street. Kiranya they are not beggers. Some even have professional certificate. Some are school children, performed for charity.

I pass this street, or even walk down this street, every morning on the way to the office. Tu yang pagi-pagi buta cuci mata, looking at designers handbag, shoes and clothes display at the glass window. Ahahahahaha... 1 good morning excersice for your eyes. Shops are open at 9am. Except for coffee shops and juice stands. Oh, my fav smoothies stand is located at this street as well. More pictures in our fotopages.

We went to two CDs and video shops. One was hardcore, atang and me have to think twice whether to go inside or not. Luckily we did, or else I will never find the thing I have been searching for months. More story to come.


Me, Mrs Taj said...

mesti sale kat sn giler2 pnya kn? my bro ms dia stay kat UK dulu pun dia ckp klu sale time Xmas mesti derang tak lpskan peluang sbb mmg murah sesgt!!


fazid said...

haah, kat sini kalau sale ke, clearance ke, mmg harga murah giler, bukan stok2 lame aje. lagi satu orang dok tunggu boxing day. sanggup kumpul pagi2 buta kat depan shopping centre tu. Tahun lepas tak gi sebab tgh boyot ahahah..ingat tahun nie nak gi..tapi tak tau nak ke mana lagi.

attyfir said...

mesti sales..giler2 tu kan

fusionbrisbane said...

wah bestlah

i.s.z.a.n said...

ada apa2 yg boleh i kirim..hahahhaha..lariiiiiiiiiiiii

Liza said...

fazid, beg fendi ada tak...bestnyer

fazid said...

kak atty: sale giler, kalu poket berisi..macam saya nie... cuci mata aje :D

fusion: ye

iszan: bleh kirim, tapi tak mo subahat, nanti kena tulun fikir idea utk ngelat..

liza: ada kot, my weakness, tak gheti beli kasut n handbag, very not the feminine kan...ahahahahha... kalu i jumpe nanti i gi tau aaa...