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Perseverance is a great element of success. If you knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
In just 6 weeks, I have put on 8 kg.....hahahahahha.... I lost 10kg in 1 and a half year.....but can easily gain 8 kg in just six week. gegegeegegge....who is to blame yaaa.....
I admit I didnt control myself...... frankly I said, I didn't regret it.... at all......full stop....
miss tiger...tak de petua laa... hehehhe... commitment di perantauan yang menurunkan berat badan nie... mana ada makananan sedap-sedap cam kat Malaysia (tapi kalau open house raya...kat sini lagi hebat dari Malaysia). Cuba miss tiger try swimming....
senangnya NAIK kita nih ek...
8 kg?? alamk..kene turun balik la cmni..hehe!!
cikgu jane.. mmg senang heheh..tu yg tak ingat2 tu...
zack_u, mungkin alat penimbang tu rosak kot...hahahhaha
sygnyer naik 8kg..tapi balik msia bkn selalukan..takpe pasnie trn balik...jgn lupe bagi petuanya 1x...
miss tiger...tak de petua laa... hehehhe... commitment di perantauan yang menurunkan berat badan nie... mana ada makananan sedap-sedap cam kat Malaysia (tapi kalau open house raya...kat sini lagi hebat dari Malaysia). Cuba miss tiger try swimming....
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