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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I was on the phone with a good friend of mine, who have for a long time been keeping to herself lately. I don't want to bother her, she is very busy with her study. Only sometimes I managed to catch her thru YM and Facebook. So today I called her just to say hello and keep in touch.

We had a long chat. We talk about study, life, and mostly about backstabber. Yes BACKSTABBER. This is one thing that I will NOT TOLERATE. You see, we are a small community here, and most of us are employed, academician, and pursuing PhD . But I just could not understand, why some people like to make up story, and talk bad about others. Why negative news travel faster than positive news? If you don't know the true story, why don't you ask the person yourself? Don't you realise that you are creating FITNAH. What is your gain from doing that? Don't you know that life is like a wheel? Your time will come one day. Don't you have anything else to do? Are you looking for attention/popularity?

Stop being a BACKSTABBER. You do not win anything for that. In fact you will always be a LOSER.

I know some people talk bad about me. But why should I care. Do I cause a problem to you? Please laaa.... if you don't want to know the real case.... so please.... MYOB.......


~ziey~ said...

Maybe u just don've to bother.....coz...When people talk behind your back, what does it mean?? Simple! It means that you are two steps ahead of them!!
So, keep moving ahead in Life!!

fazid said...

Nice retort ziey...yes you are correct

Me, Mrs Taj said...

me pun tak suka backstabber nk stabbbbb je derang apakan daya..biar la derang ngn hidup derang...huh!!