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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Book review : "Honk if you're Malaysian"

I saw this book in my dad's study room. "Abah, best ke buku nie?". "Baca lah, it is funny, Along yang bagi abah tu." OK, what ever Along (my sistah) reads is always good, though sometimes is too heavy for me. My sistah and also my brother have this fondness of reading books about politics, conspiracy (eg. books from Jeffry Archer, John Grisham), that I can never or will never like to read (cik, I know you like John Grisham, pardon me aaa). I only love triller, horror and mystery books, that is why my fav authors are Stephen King and Patricia Cornwell. But lately I am into chic-lit after reading Madeleine Wickham aka Sophie Kinsella's shopaholic series.

Anyway back to this book. I found it funny, easy to read, and agreed with most of the story that Lydia wrote in this book. However, I personally think that what ever Lydia potrayed in the book can't represent the whole population. Lydia only wrote about her experience, things that happened around her, and life in the city. There is more about Malaysian than what Lydia has wrote in the book. Nonetheless what Lydia wrote is not wrong, only not accurate.

But I enjoyed the book. If you are looking for a light reading, I suggest you go with this book.

p/s: This is only my opinion. I do not receive any incentive for writing this review (ke ada yang nak bagi gegegegege).


Liza said...

nasib baik ler you nie jauh kalau tak boleh i pinjam the book, anyway, will buy one for my lrt reading

~ziey~ said...

Hhmm.......tak berapa tepat nk kata Malaysian suker honk kan...tgk India ngn Indonesia.....lg dasyat....(Ish....nak emo laks...sowi...heheheh)