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Monday, November 17, 2008

Careless mistake

One thing about living in Brisbane, you should not leave sunglasses at home. Especially if you are wearing contact lenses. The sunlight here is so bright, it can even sting your eyes. If you guys have plan to come to Brisbane, please please please, invest in a good pair of sunglasses.

And so, I have made a mistake, a silly mistake, leaving my sunglasses back in Malaysia. Aiyahhhh....

But I don't want to waste money (kedekut sebenarnya) buying a pair of good sunglasses, so I just bought a cheaper sunglasses at a pharmacy store (I was thinking of asking beloved one at home to mail me the sunglasses). The new sunglasses just cost me $30.

But now I regret buying it (itu laaa...stingy). Because the tip of the handles have caused pain on the right side of my head, just behind the ear. It in fact has caused some small bumps behind that ear.

See that metal tip that sticking out from the handle..... Adeehhhhhh... How laaa??!! I only wear the sunglasses only if I can't stand the heat (sampai mata berair jugak la). I'll try to stay away from the sun for the time being until...... I haven't decide yet on what....

I want my old sunglasses back. Can anybody lend me a flying carpet?


Brahim Nyior said...

hihihi, itulah, kan dah terasa kehilangannya.

kekadang, benda yang kecil, itulah yang bermakna dalam hidup.

Yang baru tak semestinya lebih baik, kan...

Banyak falsafah di sebalik cerita sunglasses ni.

tigrismalaya said...

mesti ralat abis...

sunlight kat m'sia pon mata ai asik terkebil2 saje apatah lagi kalo pegi sane tuh...biasa laa prob untuk pemakai c/lens ~ anw, bila dapat peluang pegi sane nie..hmmm

fazid said...

brahimnyior: bila kita dah selesa dengan sesuatu...mmg susah nak sesuai dengan yang baru...ada aje tak kena

tigris: apa kata u ambil peluang ini utk bawa sunglasses i ke sini... gegegegeg... selalu2 la jenguk airasia utk promotion