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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Don't worry, I will look after her"

An extraordinary thing happened on the afternoon, the day that I was supposed to leave Malaysia. It was an unforgetable incident and was so touch and stunned by it. Look at the photo below.

Never during our stay in Malaysia, Lara slept near adik, or any of us. But only that day she did it.

As if she was telling me, "No worries Master, I will look after adik, while you are away".


i.s.z.a.n said...

owhh..sooo shwetttttttttt

Anonymous said...

ya la... so schweeeeettttttt of Lara.... dia tau master dia risau2.. so dia tunjukkan dia pun leh jaga athirah.. :D

-mommy thaqif-