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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

One Tree Hill

Are you One Tree Hill fan? I am. Ooohh I got the idea of writing about OTH from Ms Taj. Thanks Ms Taj for reminding me about this TV series that I used to follow.

I have totally forgotten about OTH. I have been an avid follower of this TV series before. I couldn't remember the last season that I have seen. Maybe season 3, the one that Lucas was diagnosed with heart problem. Oh is it season 3? A quick search on OTH at Google, informing me that OTH is now season 5. That means I have missed 2 seasons (if I did watched the 3rd season).

This is one of the character from OTH. Lucas Heart Eyes hehehhehe.... He is one of the reason why I couldn't/wouldn't miss the show (don't worry you guys, Atang knows I have crushed on him). Thanks to StarWorld via Astro for having the rerun of the OTH if I missed the show.

And this is Peyton. I knew she and Lucas will eventually be together. I don't know whether the TV series is here in Brisbane. It definately not in the regular TV channel. Maybe in FoxTel (FoxTel is like Astro).

Today is Atang's movie selection day. You will get cheaper price of renting a DVD at Leading Edge Video only on Tuesday. Am thinking of tagging along Atang today, search for OTH box set (I think I saw it last week) and slip it amongst Atang's stack of to-rent DVDs, hoping that he will rent it for me. Roll

Oh...another TV series to catch up, The OC.


Liza said...

lama dah tak follow OTH, dah tak main ler kat malaysia even in astro

fazid said...

ye ke liza.... aritu masa balik tak sempat nak jenguk STW... program raya kan banyak hehehhe

Me, Mrs Taj said...

arghhh dh smpi season 5 ke? mak myself pun dh miss 2 seasons laaaa...kat msia ari tu smpi season 3 je kak..yg tu mmg me dh nengok..sape2 tau mn nk carik season 4 & 5? klu akak beli 2 seasons tu me nk pnjm leh? leh? leh? huhuhuhuh

fazid said...

ms taj: kite pun nak survey ghege box set...nanti kite update ek...