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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halal donut

Dah lama tak citer pasal makanan halal kat sini. Well, we have not visited any new place so far. But I have a few item to add to the "Halal food list" that I will later republish after this entry. One of the newly discover halal food is, Krispy Kreme donuts.


I was introduced with the donut by an arab research student. When I asked him is it free from any non-halal ingredients, he said, "well, he did not ask krispy kreme in australia about that. He bought the donut because it has franchise in Saudi Arabia". But then he said he will send an email to the customer centre immediately.

Later he called me and said that the manager of Krispy Kreme replied his email, and in the email the manager said that they have halal certificate for all their donuts. I have a copy of the email in my mailbox. Another halal donut to be added in the list. Alhamdullillah.

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