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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Still no news

The next day, at 9am, we went down for breakfast. Mat Salih were everywhere, at the lounge, outside the hotel, at the dining area. There were some having sun bathing outside the hotel. The hotel was actually a shop lots converted to hotel.

We met a Malay couple there. They were going to Sydney for a holiday. And we also met a Chinese family. Both of them were worried about their connecting flight. Aiyah... sure burn la...they just hope AirAsia would arrange something.

I was also worried. I was schedule to present about my research on Friday, 31st of October. I haven't done the slides yet. I was planning to do the slides when arrived in Brisbane.

Luckily the Nasi Lemak was yummy. Asking around, nobody knows what is the situation.

We were told later, at around noon, buses will pick us up at 2pm. The AirAsia has charted MAS airplane that scheduled to leave at 4pm that afternoon. Apparently they could not fixed the problem with the AirAsia plane. This is one good news to me and atang, because that means we will arrived at Brisbane airport, instead of Cooloongatta.

TBC again laaa...

1 comment:

Brahim Nyior said...

Teruknya service Airasia?