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Monday, November 3, 2008

Tears in her eyes

A close friend of my came to visit me yesterday, to see how am I doing. It has been a long time since her last visit to our home, though I just met her a night before (she invited us for dinner), we were unable to have a heart-to-heart talk because her other guest were still around. So, I assumed, that was one of the reason she came to my house yesterday, just to know how is everything going.

In the mids of our chit chat, I saw tears building up in her eyes. Later, she could not control the emotion any longer, stood up from her chair, left me, to calm herself.

I didn't expect she would take it seriously and emotionally. I was being strong, and control myself from crying, because I dont want things to get out of least for now. I need to be strong, to concentrate on a very important matter.

I was touched by her sensitivity. I know why she felt that way, because she too like a family to me. And I sensed she also felt the same way like me.

All I can only say is, thank you for understanding my situation. It is hard enough for me. But please be strong for me, because I really need that...for now. Thanks my friend, for everything.

1 comment:

Me, Mrs Taj said...

when i read this me pun touching jgk..tak tau nape..mcm baca novel plak..