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Friday, November 28, 2008

Long lost friend

Ooooo so happy, Friday is here again...ahahahah... been busy this week. Loads of things to settle before X'mas, because, the campus will close for 2 weeks (the office I mean). Have something to submit to the office, plus my supervisor will be on break for 1 month (hoooraaayyyy). So, now, I am doing a one-month-advance worth of work before the holiday (ya ka advance). Errrkkk... guess if I went missing for a couple of weeks nobody will notice kan *wink wink*.

Anyway, kenapa title camtu ek?

OK TGI Friday, why, because on Friday, after dinner, I will sit in front of the computer, and begin creating entries for the week ahead. I will auto publish all entries, and will only reply comments on weekdays. Unless I have some stories that I want to share immediately or am stuck with something that I need a break from, then I will be tapping my keyboard and b-log. Other than that, on Friday is the day I will watch movies because there are many movies on show. In other words, Friday is melepak day for me (as if other days I work like mad laaa...ahahhaa).

And about the title... my long lost friend came to visit recently. Dah lama tak datang, kali ni datang.....adeehhhhh sakitnya.

Introducing my long-lost-and-painful friend. Kat dahi atas kening sebelah kanan. Ya..dah tua pun ada jerawat lagi. It has been there for 3 days now, tak tau bila dia nak pergi. Nie jenis yang tak bleh picit, sebab punat takde kat luar (errkkk faham ke apa yang den citer nie). Kalau basuh muka tu, kena hati-hati, tekan sikit je sakitnya bleh denyut kepala.

"Atang, can I use your topicil".
"Alah, nanti 'dia' ilang laaa. Tahan la sikit".
"alaaa...sakit aaaaa"
"hmmm...sabar la sikit....Allah nak kasi pahala tu"
Den diam, dengan muke toye.
"yela...pakai la...nak tido, cuci muka lepas tu letak..."
Den sengih macam kerang busyuk aje.

Thanks to all the peanuts and chocolate I had last week, as a result I got this red thing on my forehead. nie X'mas sale merata-rata, and there are all sorts of chocolates on sale. Who can resists chocolate? Can you.

OK... I have a list of things to write. Then am going to bed early, because tomorrow I have a visit from another long lost friend. Yup this one is a human. Ahahahah.. going to cook something special tomorrow (my definition of special is, ordinary food tapi jarang-jarang masak :D).

Enjoy your weekend.


Mira said...

jerawat ???

errr ... tuh "jururawat" yang datang periksa kesihatan tuh ...


fazid said...

aiyah mira, periksa kesihatan ke, memberi tak kesihatan...gegege

tigrismalaya said...

me to!!! ader 2 atas idung lagi besar bagak...sgt2 malu nak jumpa org..huhuhu..

tigrismalaya said...

me to!!! ader 2 atas idung lagi besar bagak...sgt2 malu nak jumpa org..huhuhu..

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha tergolak den baca entry ni...