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Friday, November 14, 2008

ITPS dinner

Following the Doc Consortium, the group organised a dinner at Stamford Plaza. Joining us are our family, spouses, partners, etc.

The meal was superb. Malay dishes, kari ayam, kurma kambin, ikan sambal, beef rendang etc.

More pictures in my fotopages.

(Apology for a brief entry, am out of words. Experiencing writer's block)


Me, Mrs Taj said...

takdela kempunan cuz dh dpt mkn mknan msia.. ;)

Anna said...

sedapnyer dpt mkn2 cam gtu..

Unknown said...


Nampak sedap jer.

Liza said...

It's nice to have a good Malaysian meal especially when u are abroad kan?

fazid said...

ms taj: bila kat sini tak kempunan, tapi bila balik mesia, tuptup rasa nak makan itu ini datang :D

anna n izzudin : memang sedap, tapi mana kan sama kalau orang kite yang masak...tastebud lain kan... so kat sini acceptable ;)

liza: there are many asian authentic halal restaurants around Brisbane, but non are operated by Malay. Mostly Singapore Chinese and Indo Chinese. Just to satisfy ur ngidam ok laa...but to frequent..tak de la..hhahahaha... plus urs truly is a great cook what (bleh ka??!!) hahahhaha