So last Saturday we went to Birch and Caroll megaplex to watch the movie. If you have never watch the previous series (need to start with Saw), you will never understand what is the movie all about. Bewarn, this movie is not for faint-hearted (chewah...ada berani ka?).

Verdict: I have read the synopsis before watching the movie, so kinda know what to expect laaaa...anyway in term of story line, props, and trill, I prefer Saw II better. For Saw V, I don't like the ending, coz I think, whatever decision that Agent Straum has to make, he still can't get away, alive.
Thoughts: After reading about the ordeal that Ijah and Zubed were facing, I kinda anticipate people like Jigsaw is real (OK...this is an evil thing to say, I know this is not right... but still). Jigsaw idea of rehabilitation and to give a second chance (if you have guts and strong, after all people said, if you are not wrong, why must you fear) can scare some people, especially people who think they can escape from the crime they have committed.
But always remember, ALLAH is MOST powerful, NOT human.
p/s: Doa Nabi Yunus ketika kesusahan dan penderitaan di dalam perut ikan
"لَّآ إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّآ أَنتَ سُبۡحَـٰنَكَ إِنِّى ڪُنتُ مِنَ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ"
Sesungguhnya tiada Tuhan (yang dapat menolong) melainkan Engkau (ya Allah)! Maha Suci Engkau (daripada melakukan aniaya, tolongkanlah daku)! Sesungguhnya aku adalah dari orang-orang yang menganiaya diri sendiri.
(Surah Al-Anbiya: ayat 87)
i salute you my fren, i can never watch this kind of movie cause i'm a i always opted for romantic comedy genre...hehehehe...
mcm beh citer nie..
x brani nak tengok okeh,..sangat violent..heee
cam best jer dis movie..
Is it originally from Australia??
and for local showing jer ke??
i also love dat kind of movies...thriller, super seram, bunuh, kejam, zalim...1 side lagi citer sedih tangkap leleh, komedi romantik..
tak tau ader movie nie..ketinggalan jaman ker i @ mmg takde kat m'sia..? maybe i try search kat kedai2 lanun? ader sampai 5 siri mesti citer nie best
Liza n iszan : Citer macam nie ok..bleh layan lagi. Tapi kalu citer antu, ayoyoyo, can not laaa.. Citer Juon tu sekali je tengok, itu pun kesan takut dia berbulan2. Smpi skrang tak berani nengok Juon yg Jepun tu, terdengar2 bunyi dia...alahai..tak nak citer laaa..naik dah bulu roma...
atty, anna n miss tigris: best.. kalau suke tgk genre macam kill bill, wrong turn, n jeepers creepers. tapi tak pasti saw masuk mesia, kalau ada pun, lanunnye kot. saw dari US, bukan oz.
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