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Thursday, November 13, 2008

ITPS Doctoral consortium

My research group held a doc consortium last Thursday. It was a one day event, and I was worn out at the end of the day. The purpose of the event is to get feedbackof our research from academician cum researchers outside QUT. We did organised a similar event last year. So it has become an annual event.

This year the research group has invited a prominent IS researcher from Univ of British Columbia, Dr Andrew Burton-Jones and Dr WuiGee from Univ of Southern Queensland.

It was a great opportunity to share your research with outsiders, who have no knowledge about your research (other by attending conferences) as well as to get feedbacks from them.

More pictures in my fotopages.


Me, Mrs Taj said...

bestnya dpt blaja me myself bkn jenis yg bercita2 tinggi la..dun know ambition dr kecik pun nk jd suri rumah yg berjaya like my mom now..dpt jg suami and anak2 dgn baik..huhuhuh shud i further my studies??? huh (sigh)

fazid said...

ms taj: it depends, sometime for satisfaction, sometime it is a requirement, i always think it as a "win-win" scenario