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Monday, November 3, 2008

Yaya berwajah baru

Yaya needs a pair of glasses. The first time she wears it, she was OK for a couple of minutes, then she complaint of being unstable. When I asked her whether she felt dizzy, she asked me, "what is dizzy mak".... susah ku nak terangkan.... I have to describe it in many ways, until she said....ooooo...... But she said she is fine, but I was sure she felt dizzy. Because when we were on our way back home, she slept, almost all the way, from Bangi to BSP. And she spent the rest of the afternoon, napping. It was so unlike her to sleep in the afternoon.

Mana tak pening ye.... Her glasses prescription is 100+, plus astigmatism -250. When I started wearing glasses, the power was 50+. Itupun dah rasa pening2 lalat.
Anyway, she is used to it now. I just hope she will take care of the glasses well. Sebab lense dia sangat2 la mahal. Her glasses cost more than mine. hehehheheheh


attyfir said...

cute je yaya pakai spek..

Liza said...

sungguh rindu rasanyer tak menatap muka yaya yg comel...take care sayang, jagalah mata anda

Anonymous said...

i like her hair...

fazid said...

attay...macam mak dia ekk...gegegeg

liza... tatap la selalu.. kat FB pun bny gambar hehehhe...

amai...bising tu rambut dia dah pendek...tapi senang nak jaga :D
ala..besok panjang balik

Me, Mrs Taj said...

tingginya astigmatism dia!! mesti ssh nk drive mlm nnt....

fazid said...

mrs taj... hope her astig will gradually decreasing