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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nobody tells us what is really going on

After we finished the ikan bakar at Nyonya's place, my bro sent us back to the airport (dlm ati rasa nak patah balik Seremban je). We were supposed to board the plane at 11.15pm. However, looking around, it was unlikely the plane would leave at 11.45pm. Everybody was so anxious, nobody was around telling us what is going on. The AirAsia hostesses were giving out free burger for everyone. But since we just had a heavy dinner, we didn't take it.

We waited, feeling haggard. Luckily me and atang were sitting in front of a TV. There was a Tamil film showing at that time, I don't know the title of the film, but it was a wicked funny film. At least something to divert our attention from worrying about the flight.

Almost quarter after 12 am (Tuesday, 28th October), there was an annoucement telling that the flight is cancelled due to major mechanical problem to the airplane. Sudden uproar took place. People was frustrated OK. We have been waiting of 4 hours, wondering what is going on. Until they decided to cancelled the flight. More than half of the passengers are Caucasian. A handful of passengers have small kids with them. There are also a number of old citizen. Aiyah.... kesian betul....

The AirAsia management has arranged a hotel for us. But before we could leave the airport, there was some misunderstanding incident happened between AA staff and the immigration. We were told later that, according to the immigration department, our status in Malaysia is not valid anymore, because in the record we have left Malaysia. Somebody told me, if we committed a crime, we have an alibi to defense (I don't know about this la... need to ask my sistah for confirmation...). We saw airport staff, going up and down, to settle this matter. At that time, some passengers had even sleeping on the chair. I myself felt like laying flat on the chair. So tired and sleepy.

Nearly 3am, we were able to leave the airport, and walked to the awaiting buses outside the airport.

We reached the Nilai Hotel at around 3.30am. I really felt like zombie, couldn't think straight. But I still can hear clearly from Atang, how he wished we could go back to Seremban instead.



Me, Mrs Taj said...

laa..spatutnya akak calling2 je house 10mins je from LCCT and 20 mins from KLIA..stay at my house jek..bkn ada org pun kat my hse ni..3 branak jek...aiyyak!!

p.s mcm mn nk calling2, num pun takdak kn?? huhuhuh next time k?

fazid said...

menarik tu ms taj... hehe :D