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Thursday, November 13, 2008

I can never explain....

This is the hardest decision that I have ever made in my life. Am sure by now you guys have noticed that it was just me and atang back in Brissie. My situation have forced me to make this decision. It is so difficult to explain, and I dont wan't to talk about it, no more, after this. It was difficult for me to commit, let alone to explain it.

I just want the kids to be in good hand. To enjoy their life like normal kids. I am not saying that they were not enjoying their time in Brisbane, but I often blame myself for spending less time with them.

I miss them terribly.....just hope that everything will be back to normal, soon.


i.s.z.a.n said...

Good luck on every single things u currently working on.

Liza said...

fazid, a mom got to do what a mom needs to do. Don't feel bad about your decision, you are doing what's best for your kids, my prayers will always be with you....*hugs* and a big one for you my dear friend...

Me, Mrs Taj said...

owh...dun worry sis. as long as they are ok here in msia, then its gonna be fine..u juz take care and do whta u need to do..thats all for their own good jgkn kn??

Rahiza Haszian Abdul Rahim said...

i think it's so brave of u to make that decision. after all, it's for their own good. they r in good hands. just concentrate on your studies. time flies fast. before you knew it, you'll have them in your arms again. take care sis!

Anonymous said...

berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yg memikul....
just b strong n focus...

moga2 kita sama2 sukses ya...

-mommy thaqif-