A small feast, prepared by Mak, for her daughter, before leaving Malaysia. Note that in previous entry, I wrote about a
welcoming feast in conjunction with our arrival in Malaysia without any pictures of the dishes. Haaaa.. it was fasting month at that time. But now without feeling guilty, here are some of the dishes that Mak prepared for me, towards the end of our stay in Malaysia.
Gulai ikan dengan belimbing asam.... superb.....
Ikan goreng talapia....simple but delicious....
Sambal ikan bilis with petai.... for nasi lemak....yummy..

Pajeri nenas..... with thick gravy.....mmmmhhhhmmmmmm......

and Ikan talapia sambal...this one I bought at a warung behind Giant Ampangan....
Yaya has put on weight just six weeks in Malaysia. She enjoys her Wan's cooking.... Definately
Kecur air liur ke??
mom's cooking will always be the best...especially kalau ada special occassion kan?
itu pajeri nenas and gulai ikan berjaya made me terliur pepagi buta okehhhh..haha
liza.. no need to argue kan..hhehe
to answer your quest, yes....i am terliur...slurppppp
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